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Antenna Configuration

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Antenna Properties for a Physical Reader Profile

This attribute group enables changing/updating values specific to an Antenna. The first antenna as common properties as described below. the remaining antennas (2-8) have a reduced dialogue box as shown in Figure 2.

Antenna RX

Sets the RX value for Reader sensitivity. Note that most readers only support base RX a value of ‘1’ or '0'. Impinj supports a variable RX scale to weaken the sensitivity. Note: When a new reader profile is created, TagNet will default the highest TX setting for that Reader Make/Model


Antenna TX

Sets the TX value for Reader Transmit power. Each Reader platform has its own TX scale set by the Reader Manufacturer. For example Zebra uses 1-200, Impinj uses 1-81 and Honeywell uses 1-29. Note: When a new reader profile is created, TagNet will default the default RX setting for that Reader Make/Model.


Antenna Hop Table ID

Specifies the Hop table value for a given reader, the correct value will be defaulted when selecting the Manufacturer / Model


Antenna Channel Index

Specifies the Channel index value for a given reader, the correct value will be defaulted when selecting the Manufacturer / Model


Singulation Control Session

Selectable values of S0,S1,S2,S3. Refer to the Session Control Overview Topic for details.


Tag Population

The estimated tag population that the reader will see in a given read cycle. This helps some readers better manage the singulation protocol.


Tag Inventory Filter

Enables a method to filter out a single Tag ID (no wildcards) at the reader level. This is an experimental feature at this point.


Antenna Stop Trigger

This parameter is only applicable for Zebra FX7500/FX9600 Readers. It specifies the the stop trigger when cycling through the antennas. The allowable values are [Dwell Time] and [Number Inventory Cycles]. This feature is strongly recommended to be used as the default value stop trigger is approx. 1 second. See associated Antenna Stop Condition value below to complete this configuration.


Antenna Stop Condition

This parameter is only applicable for Zebra FX7500/FX9600 Readers. It specifies the the stop condition when cycling through the antennas. When using [Dwell Time] this value is in milliseconds. When using [Number Inventory Cycles] this is a number such as 2, 4, 10, etc. . Note: when using a long dwell time per antenna, this will result in reduced reads for fast moving tags through the RF field.  A recommended starting point is to use (4) Inventory cycles per antenna and then adjust from there.



 Figure 2. Antennas (2-8) Configuration


Antenna RX

Sets the RX value for Reader sensitivity. Note that most readers only support base RX a value of ‘1’ or '0'. Impinj supports a variable RX scale to weaken the sensitivity. Note: When a new reader profile is created, TagNet will default the highest TX setting for that Reader Make/Model


Antenna TX

Sets the TX value for Reader Transmit power. Each Reader platform has its own TX scale set by the Reader Manufacturer. For example Zebra uses 1-200, Impinj uses 1-81 and Honeywell uses 1-29. Note: When a new reader profile is created, TagNet will default the default RX setting for that Reader Make/Model.


Antenna Stop Trigger

This parameter is only applicable for Zebra FX7500/FX9600 Readers. It specifies the the stop trigger when cycling through the antennas. The allowable values are [Dwell Time] and [Number Inventory Cycles]. This feature is strongly recommended to be used as the default value stop trigger is approx. 1 second. See associated Antenna Stop Condition value below to complete this configuration.


Antenna Stop Condition

This parameter is only applicable for Zebra FX7500/FX9600 Readers. It specifies the the stop condition when cycling through the antennas. When using [Dwell Time] this value is in milliseconds.. When using [Number Inventory Cycles] this is a number such as 2, 4, 10, etc. . Note: when using a long dwell time per antenna, this will result in reduced reads for fast moving tags through the RF field.  A recommended starting point is to use (4) Inventory cycles per antenna and then adjust from there.


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