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Aggregation Example

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Tag Aggregation & Mapping Example

Shown below is an example of mapping multiple tags with a product number at the same time using tags that are already serialized with unique EPC's.  It is import to note that using the [Commissioning/Map] option is not practical here as all the tags would be issued the same EPC thus defeating the operation of serialized tags.   Also note that the Container field could be populated here if all the product tags relate to a common identifier (e.g. Pallet ID, Bin, Batch, etc.).


After Read & Before Aggregation Update


Tag Reader ID

A dropdown of all Physical Readers defined in the Reader Management module



Reads any tags in the antenna field of the chosen Reader and displays them in list. This step is highly recommended in knowing exactly what tags could be potentially written to/processed. 



Links the child tags to the Parent Tag (can only be one)


Parent Tag Count

Adds up the number of Parent  tags in read zone. (if more than one an error is issued)


Child Tag Count

Adds up the number of Child  tags in read zone. (these can be mapped or unmapped)


Parent Tag

Indicates an occurrence of a Parent tag in the read zone that will be processed


Child Tag

Indicates an occurrence of a Child tag in the read zone that will be processed




After Update


Shown below is the results after processing the tags using the [Map Only] button from above. Note: even though only one entry is shown in the list there are actually (3) tags that were mapped. However, because they all share the same EPC, they show up as a single occurrence.


Parent Tag Count

Indicates the number of Parent tags that were found


Child Tag Count

Indicates the number of Child tags that were found


Mapped Child Tag

Shows the details of the mapped Child Tag now linked




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