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Change Movement Rule

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Change a Movement Rule

Movement Code

The user defined Movement rule ID. There should have some thought into the nomenclature so that it is easier to maintain in future.



The Movement rule description.


From Location

The defined current tag location that will satisfy the IMOVE criteria. At a minimum the Primary location value (1st dropdown) must be populated.


From Location

The Logical reader location that will satisfy the Movement rule criteria. This must be populated.


From Reader

The Physical reader location that will satisfy the Movement rule criteria. If left blank then all Readers assigned to that Reader location will be considered.



The actual antenna tor ZONE that will satisfy the Movement rule criteria, if left blank then all antennas for the Physical reader selected will be considered.


To Location

The Inventory location where the tag inventory will be moved if the previous criteria is satisfied. This must be populated to the last level of the matrix. If *BADGE specified on last level it will substitute in the Badge ID.



This button submit any changes to the Movement rule


Cancel Changes

Cancels any changes made and returns to the main Movement Rule list



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