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Event Viewer

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Event Viewer


The purpose of this function is to allow you to view Tag events in real-time for any binding that posts to an EF endpoint (e.g./ef/api/v2/imove)  If using IMOVE rules each list entry can be expanded to show the tags current inventory location based on the last read event. When a read event first comes in the row will be shaded green as shown below in example, after a few seconds it will fade way so that only new events can be visually picked out.

** This Viewer can be accessed by the EF menu tree or directly from this URL [http://YourServer/EF/PortalEventViewer/PEV]

Tag Count

The Total number of Tags currently scanned into the Event Viewer list



Enables configuring settings and filters to customize behavior of Event Viewer


Tag Count

This provides a total count of the tags in the list.



The list entry can be expanded by clicking the '+' button or collapsed using the '--' button. Note: that the viewer will remember this setting as that same TagID gets refreshed from subsequent read events.


Event Time

The Timestamp when Tag Event occurred


Item ID

The mapped Item ID of the TagID



The TAGID that was scanned


Location ID

The Logical Reader Location ID


Reader ID

The Physical Reader ID


Antenna ID

The Antenna ID that scanned the TagID


Delete Row

Clicking the 'X' icon will delete that Tag row


Inventory Details

Displays the inventory location details if Tag is actually in Inventory



If the Actions feature is enabled, then shows those in the dropdown.




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