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Physical Reader Profile (View)

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View a Physical Reader Profile

This action link enables viewing of Reader Profile attributes that control the behavior of the reader under TagNet control.

Tag Reader ID

The Reader ID assigned by the end user. This could be a combination of the Model # and serial #. It is up to end user to build a standard nomenclature with the organization



The Manufacturer assigned to the physical reader



The applicable Manufacturer Model to the physical reader



The applicable Manufacturer Model to the physical reader


Tag Type

The supported tag types for this reader (selecting blank = ALL)

Host IP Address

The IP address and port of the reader (only applicable for Network readers). Port setting for LLRP readers I :5084, IF5 and XR400 remote mode= :2190 For server based mode IF5 value = :2189 and XR400 value = :3000


GPIO IP Address

The IP address and port of the Reader’s General Purpose Input/Output Port (only applicable for Network readers). This allows the Filtering and collection module to ‘listen’ for input (motion detectors) and write to output (signal lights). The port setting for the Stratum Global SmartBox is :502 Note: This is not supported natively by all readers.



The duration of time that the Client application will wait to acquire the Reader module. Note: for IF5 readers this must be set above 5 seconds as that is how long it takes to acquire the internal serial connection to the reader module.

Read Event Cycle

The time specified that the reader will be attempting to read any tags present within the RF field of its attached antenna(s) - when instructed to do so by a Reader Schedule or Reader Interrogate feature. This is a combination of a user entered time period [numeric value] and selected period type [msec, sec, min, readcycle]. Example combinations would be 400 milliseconds, 5 seconds, 2 minutes or 2 readcycles. Note: TagNet does not have absolute control of the read cycle as some readers take longer than others to perform a read cycle. A smaller value such as 250ms may be shorter than the reader’s first response. In this case the read cycle is terminated as soon as the actual time is GE to the desired value. This property is used for both Server based and Smart Readers.  Also note that any binding logic is executed after the read event cycle.



The current status of the Reader profile (Active or Inactive).


Antenna Enablement

Enables that antenna via a [*NO] or [*YES] selection. This explanation applies to remaining Use Antenna 2-8 selections.


Antenna Names

Enter the description of the read zone where that antenna is being deployed (such as doorway, bench, etc.). This explanation applies to remaining Use Antenna 2-8 selections.


Combine Antennas

Enabling this value via [*YES] tells the reader to combine reads from all enabled antennas as one group. This is typically done for Portal applications to maximize read reliability in a given zone. Listen-before-talk (LBT) logic harmonizes antennas so they do not interfere with each other while attempting to read the same tag(s). Note: not supported on all Readers and for most LLRP readers, this will combine any physically attached antennas irrespective of what has been enabled in Reader profile.  ** Franklin Gothic 11 no spacing


Attribute Group

The current attribute group selected in dropdown (Basic Settings).


Antenna Properties

Mousing over any of the antenna ID's will enable a drilldown to that antennas properties



Returns to the main Reader list



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