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Tag Transaction History

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Inventory Transaction History



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Transaction History

Listed here are all the Tag;s transactions in descending order. Every Inventory transaction set includes a (-) for the location that it came out of, and a (+) where it was moved.

The Action column indicates what module generated the transaction and the transaction type as listed below:

ADJ_IMPORT – The tag was initially imported into an inventory location via the TagNet import facility

NEW_RECEIPT – The tag was commissioned and put into inventory via the AssetTrack module on Handheld reader

ADJAT_MOVE – The tag inventory was moved to a new location to via the AssetTrack module on Handheld reader

ADJAT_QTYM – The tag inventory quantity was adjusted via the AssetTrack module on Handheld reader

ADJ_PHYINV – The tag inventory was adjusted as a result of a formal physical count using the AssetTrack Physical Inventory module on Handheld reader

IMOVETRANS – The tag inventory was moved to a new location via the IMOVE rules when seen at a TagNet fixed Reader Portal

ADJTT_PUT – The tag inventory was put-away using the TagTrack module on lift truck.

ADJTT_MOVE – The tag inventory was moved from one location to another using the TagTrack module on lift truck.

ADJTT_PICK – The tag inventory was picked against a given order in EPQ using the TagTrack module on lift truck.

ADJTT_PCKC – The tag inventory was picked complete against a given order in EPQ using the TagTrack module on lift truck

SHIPMENT – The tag inventory was shipped from inventory against a given order in EPQ using the TagTrack module on lift truck

MANUAL – This is generated as a result of manually moving the inventory via the Item Location Maintenance function.






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