Binding Function |
Binding ID |
Binding Description |
RPC (Remote Procedure Call) |
Purpose |
This Binding calls a native SQL Server Stored Procedure via RPC passing tag events (parts) that show up at work stations or conveyor load/unload read points. The backend MES system consumes these tag events, resolves them to their mapped part #'s and sends out a rich payload in real-time to the nearby POD (Production Order Display) to visualize what parts have just entered/passed that read zone.
Logic |
Collects whatever tags are seen during a read event cycle at a given RFID enabled gate and performs the following logic: üGroups tag events by Reader / Antenna Name and makes a single RPC call. So for example if a station saw (2) part tags + (1) fixture tag on a single antenna that would be a single RPC passing all (3) tags. Conversely, if a reader with (4) antennas all named differently for each buff station, and each antenna saw different tags during given read event cycle, there would be (4) RPC's executed. Note: it is always the last antenna that sees that tag during that read cycle that records the event. üSends out Tag Event payload via RPC and waits for Reply State from the Customers system ❖TagID array (with ',' delimiters) ❖Reader Name ❖Antenna Name ❖Date and time stamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) Ex: 2017-06-03 13:41:28 üIf object is a manufactured Part (Inventory Type = “PART TRACKING”) the raw TagID is passed, if the object is anything else (e.g. Fixture, Color flag, etc.) then the GTIN will be passed as a 'TagID'. üSupports Binding Email Exceptions. Email notification is sent when an error is encountered. üUser name/password required to access the target database.
Restrictions |
No IMOVE rules are enabled in this Binding, |
Comments |
Files Updated |
Program Name |
URI set to RFDHDSP |
Binding Setup |
Binding Properties |
Email Notification |
The email address to send binding specific alerts. Note: This overrides the default SMTP Recipient value under System Settings |
Dwell Time |
Dwell time prevents the tag from being included in the web service request when seen again at the same gate when vehicle dwells there. Refer to the the Binding Change for detailed explanations of this directive. |
Error Recovery |
The number of reattempts to connect and delay in between. Refer to the the Binding Change for detailed explanations of this directive. |
Shown below is the source WSDL specification and resulting XML transaction sets:
Action |
SQL Script to build Table |
/* To prevent any potential data loss issues, you should review this script in detail before running it outside the context of the database designer.*/ BEGIN TRANSACTION SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON SET ARITHABORT ON SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET ANSI_PADDING ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON COMMIT BEGIN TRANSACTION GO CREATE TABLE dbo.t_RFIDInsertScans ( RFID_Tags varchar(4096) NOT NULL, RFID_Delimiter char(1) NOT NULL, RFID_ReaderName varchar(20) NOT NULL, RFID_AntennaName varchar(20) NOT NULL, RFID_datetime datetime NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE dbo.t_RFIDInsertScans SET (LOCK_ESCALATION = TABLE) GO COMMIT
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.p_RFIDInsertScans -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @Tags varchar(max), @Delimiter char(1), @ReaderName varchar(20), @AntennaName varchar(20), @Datetime datetime
AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
-- Insert statements for procedure here INSERT into dbo.t_RFIDInsertScans (RFID_Tags,RFID_Delimiter,RFID_ReaderName,RFID_AntennaName,RFID_Datetime) values(@Tags,@Delimiter,@ReaderName,@AntennaName,@Datetime) END GO |
Stored Procedure Script |
USE [TagNet] GO
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[p_RFIDInsertScans] Script Date: 07/29/2019 16:26:34 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_RFIDInsertScans] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @Tags varchar(max), @Delimiter char(1), @ReaderName varchar(20), @AntennaName varchar(20), @Datetime datetime
AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
-- Insert statements for procedure here INSERT into dbo.t_RFIDInsertScans (RFID_Tags,RFID_Delimiter,RFID_ReaderName,RFID_AntennaName,RFID_Datetime) values(@Tags,@Delimiter,@ReaderName,@AntennaName,@Datetime) END
Action |
Create SP for PLC |
create procedure p_RFIDUpdatePLCAttributes ( @Tag varchar( 50 ), @NameValue varchar( 20 ), @Element varchar( 20 ), @Value varchar( 20 ),
@RobotName varchar( 20 ), @PaintColor varchar( 20 ), @PaintTemp varchar( 20 ), @PaintHumidity varchar( 20 ), @PaintHumidity varchar( 20 ),
@Datetime datetime ) As |
Create SP for Assets |
create procedure dbo.p_RFIDInsertAssetScan ( @Tag varchar( 50 ), @ReaderName varchar( 20 ), @AntennaName varchar( 20 ), @Datetime datetime ) As
Create SP for Parts |
create procedure dbo.p_RFIDInsertPartScan ( @Tag varchar( 50 ), @ReaderName varchar( 20 ), @AntennaName varchar( 20 ), @Datetime datetime ) As |
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