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Script (Delete)

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Delete Script Line Sequence

These are instructions that configure the reader based on the TagNet physical Reader Profile and initiate communications to the GPIO system. These instruct TagNet when to trigger a read cycle based upon what input sensor (if any) and what light condition(s) to indicate that the schedule is running (if any).


Reader Location

Attributes of the Parent Physical Reader


Script Command Line Prompt

This is displayed when the Delete link is selected for a given script line sequence. Select either [Yes] to delete or [No] to return


Script Command Line

The RCL script directive


Return back to List

Click this button to return back to Subscription List


Script Action Links

These hyperlinks perform the following functions for each Boolean statement in the list



Enables change mode of the Filter Boolean statement


Enables you to change the sequencing of the Boolean statement


Deletes the selected Filter Boolean statement





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