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Binding (Change)

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Tag Event Binding Change


This function allows you to change ad-hoc filter conditions after the binding association has been created.

Reader Location

Attributes of the Parent Reader Location


Event Binding Details

Attributes of the Parent Binding definition


Filter Conditions

A group of attributes that form the basis for a boolean filter condition that are specific to this Event Binding only. The specifics of these attributes are used can be referenced in the Event Filter Definitions.


Add a new Boolean Comparison

Adds a new Boolean filter condition as populated in Step #3 above

Filter Condition

An occurrence of a Boolean filter condition that can be modified using the action links below


Boolean Action Links

These hyperlinks perform the following functions for each Boolean statement in the list



Enables change mode of the Filter Boolean statement


Enables you to change the sequencing of the Boolean statement


Deletes the selected Filter Boolean statement

Return back to List

Cancels any changes and returns back to Binding List (no updates are saved)




Binding Filter Condition Change

This function allows you to change any of the ad-hoc filter conditions



Binding Filter Condition Sequence Change

This function allows you to change the sequence of he ad-hoc filter condition relative to others.



Binding Filter Condition Delete

This function allows you to change the sequence of he ad-hoc filter condition relative to others.



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