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Add UDA Profile

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Add/Copy a UDA Profile

Entity Name

The file object name this attribute refers to (RFDASSM, RFDEMPLM, RFDLOCIN or RFDUSER)


ØRFDASSM -    TagNet Asset Master

ØRFDEMPLM - TagNet Employee Master

ØRFDLOCN -    TagNet Tag Location Inventory

ØRFDUSER -    TagNet User Master



Element Name

The element (or attribute) name as defined by you



The user defined description of the UDA


Element Type

The type of attribute:

ØAlphanumeric – field can hold both characters and numbers

ØSigned – number than can be either (+) or (–) values.


Element Length

The Element Length in characters or integers


Element Decimals

The number of decimals associated with a signed (or packed) Element type


Entity Sequence

The sequence in which this UDA will display in the UDA list when accessing maintaining Assets or Employees



This button will add the UDA


Cancel Changes

Cancels any input  and returns to the main UDA list




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