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Return Settings

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Return Settings

This configuration sets the Return action rules when enabled in the Event Viewer. This feature enables returning inventory to be scanned at a read point (e.g. Returns Bench) and then user specifying what qty of that tag was returned as opposed to what qty was consumed in the field (e.g. Parts Trailer).

Note: If implementing this with the outbound queue, ensure to customize the queue trigger with your location matrix here.

Issue Location

The Issue Location where the consumed quantity is moved to.


Issue Application

The Application Key in the RFDLOCIT table


Issue Mode

The Mode Key in the RFDLOCIT table


Storage Location

The Storage Location where the returned quantity is moved to.


Storage Application

The Application Key in the RFDLOCIT table


Storage Mode

The Mode Key in the RFDLOCIT table


Decommission on Full Issue

This toggle can either enable or disable decommissioning the tag only if it is a FULL issue. In other words, if an empty bag or box is found and there are no physical parts inside, then the return qty is set to '0' and thus all the material quantity associated with that tag will be charged as an issue to the target plant.



Saves any changed settings.


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