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Event Bindings

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Event Bindings

The purpose of this function shown is to define reusable bindings that can be applied to Tag Event Subscriptions or Scheduled Tasks. TagNet comes shipped with available Bindings that can be considered for your installation based on planning discussion with Stratum Global or your TagNet Implementation partner. This setup requires strong knowledge of internal systems and networking protocol. Based on your installation, there may be a listening service or custom program supplied by your IT department. This Service/program would interface with your ERP or similar to update tag data to various systems. Once setup, it would be rare that any business user of TagNet would have to modify a binding template. 

Create a new Binding

Click this button to create a new a new Binding profile


Event Binding

The Event Binding details as defined


Action Links

These hyperlinks perform the following functions for each Schedule Binding in the list



Enables change mode of the Binding properties


Copy an existing Binding profile as a quick way to create a similar profile


Deletes the Binding profile


Enables view only of the selected Binding

Refresh List

Click this button to refresh the Binding List





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