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Logical Reader (Settings)

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Logical Reader Settings

The purpose of this function is to specify 'other' specialized settings associated with a Logical Reader Location.

Location ID

The Logical Reader ID assigned by the end user


Location Description

The description of the Logical Reader assigned by the end user



The alias used by subscribing systems (such as an ERP or WMS) that would use this match against existing locations in that system. This value is passed to that system so it can determine how to evaluate that tag event.


Event Viewer

The PEV Group ID assigned to this Logical Reader.



The current status of the Logical Reader (Active or Inactive).


Shipment Number

The current shipment number associated with the Logical Reader Location. This value is updated automatically by TagNet in conjunction with the DoD Portal Event Viewer application. This value is only intended to be used for maintenance purposes in case of error or required reset of number.


RSSI Sampling Interval

The sampling interval in milliseconds used by the RTLS is configured in TagNet. This time period dictates how often to look a the tag sampling data (since last interval) and determine if any inventoried tags are in a different location than their last location. The sampling time should always be greater than the Read Event cycle of those physical readers attached to the logical reader.



Updates any entered changes and returns the user back to the main Logical Reader list page


Does not update any changes and returns to the main Logical Reader list page.

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